It's a gigantic wooden park that was donated to the city by hundreds of establishments/doctors/businesses/wealthy people in the community and everyone who donated (I don't know how big the donation had to be) has their names carved into the wood all over the playground.
It's enclosed with only two entrances to the park, and if you have your child playing in the little kids area, there is only one way in and out. I'm sure that they had to restrict entrances due to the intricate winding walkways underneath all of the structures...I'm sure there's been more than one child who got out of their parents sight...but that's why there are only the two entrances.
Porter loved it. Every minute of it...and I have to admit so did I.

They have all sorts of things built out of wood...a shuttle...cars/jeeps...boats, etc.
In the shuttle they have a metal telephone from the top level to the bottom level. Kyle went inside the bottom level to talk to Porter, but he had to speak so loud to make the sound come through that you could hear him just fine through the floorboards. Porter finally realized that Kyle was just underneath him, so he sprawled out on the floor of the shuttle to look at his Daddy and yell things at him. He started pointing behind him trying to tell Kyle something that was incredibly important...but the kid speaks in code...and neither of us understood the message.

Oh yeah, I don't recommend that if you are 8 months pregnant that you should climb into a tire swing because there is a time when you have to climb out...Kyle was nice enough not to document such a thing with a photo, but I assure you...it was a sight to see.