Friday, April 18, 2008

devious little sucker

I walked in to pick Porter up in the morning. He was in the middle of his morning monologue, his sucker appropriately in place. He looked at me with his obvious smile behind the pacifier. I picked him up and popped the sucker out of his mouth (I haven't tried to get rid of them yet, but I am trying to cut back to using them just at bedtime). I took the pacifier and placed it in his crib so I would know where it was later that night. I quickly turned my head saying "Boo" in an attempt to make Porter laugh. He did laugh, but something was wrong. He was laughing behind another pacifier!
I laughed, grabbed it, he giggled, and I placed the second sucker on the dresser.
As I turned to face Porter again he had slipped yet another pacifier in his mouth, and had now broken into a complete belly laugh. I pulled this pacifier out too, and Porter couldn't have cared less. He was dying laughing, and I was struggling not to fall on the floor laughing with him.
This kid sure has a sense of humor.


Amy said...

ha ha ha - I'm doing the full belly laugh too! :)

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

What a cutie! He looks so grown up in that picture! Is it just me, or are they all growing up a little too fast?

Moab Cozzens said...

Did I tell you about the Mom who was trying to break her THREE year old of "binkies" (as she called them) so she had a big party, invited everyone she knew, tied the pacifiers one at a time to each of 48 helium balloons and send them to the pacifier fairy only to walk inside and find her little girl sitting on the floor with a pacifier in her mouth that she must have found hidden in some corner somewhere. She gave up. That little Porter is a great and humerous mind at work.

Gramma M said...

He knows what you're planning on doing...I think he's got them stashed all around the house!!