Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31, 2004

Four years ago today, Kyle and I were sealed in the temple. The years have gone by so quickly that it doesn't seem like it's been that long ago.

There isn't anything I would change. Nothing at all. Kyle has made marriage so much easier than I believe it should be. I remember that on this day, 4 years ago, Jill approached me and told me something to the effect that Kyle was already trained to be the perfect husband and it wasn't fair because she was already married and still had to train hers (no offense Kenny).

She was right (about Kyle). Kyle was a trained husband from the day I met him. I later found out that he was born to be a Dad as well. I'm so grateful to have married such a wonderful man who has made me happier than I could have hoped for.

He is my best friend, my eye lobster.

Love you Sweets, Happy Anniversary.


Moab Cozzens said...

Happy anniversary to you both. Kyle really is the perfect husband/father - in spite of the lack of training from his parents ;) But we think his smarted move was when Kyle chose the perfect wife!!

Moab Cozzens said...

smartest - not smarted. Just showing off our smarts

Amy said...

What a fabulous photo of the two of you - I hope that is blown up to HUGE in your home somewhere, because I love it. :) Happy Anniversary!

Angie said...

Happy #4! It doesn't seem like that long, does it?
And I would have to agree with Amy - that is a fabulous photo! Who was your fabulous photographer?? :)