Tuesday, September 23, 2008

family night #2...kind of

So, it's not the easiest thing for me to swap back and forth between a day schedule and a night schedule. In fact sometimes it downright stinks. I have found that if I try to stay awake the entire day after I worked a night shift, I can sometimes sleep through the following night.
I worked Monday night, so when I got home early on Tuesday morning I fell asleep for a few hours and woke up at 10:30... not too late and I had hoped it was enough to keep me going through the day.
We had a lovely family night planned. Porter hadn't napped much and would be going to bed early at around 7:00, leaving Kyle and I to eat ice-cream (yes, most of our family nights involve ice-cream, I highly recommend it) and crash on the couch watching Leatherheads.
Around 7:00 I went to lay down with Porter and I succeeded in getting both of us to bed at that time. I woke up a little frantic at 10:00 realizing that I was sleeping through family night!
Kyle and I started Leatherheads and ate a little ice-cream and I was back to sleep by 11:00.
Here's the really sad part.
Due to a small bladder, a can of red cream soda and a small little fetus, I was back up around 3:00 am. This means that I practically have to start the whole have-to-stay-awake-don't-lay-down-for-even-a-second-or-you'll-be-snoozing process again today. Not one of my favorite processes.


Moab Cozzens said...

You know, I think it's a huge waste of time that we even have to sleep at all. In my small human mind I'm keeping a list of things I think I'll change when I create worlds of my own.

Jessica said...

Sad! I'm a terrible sleeper and I cannot even fathom having such a crazy schedule! The getting-yourself-back-to-sleep process has got to be the worst!

Kari said...

Sorry, babe. Call me and I'll try to keep you awake.