Friday, October 24, 2008


Yesterday we raked up all the leaves in our front yard; there were a ton. The pile was huge and Porter loved it... to an extent. I don't know how much he loved being stuck in the whole pile, but he did enjoy tossing leaves around once his Daddy showed him how.
And yes, apparently it changes from summer to winter so quickly here that our leaves don't have time to change color before they fall.
Porter got distracted quickly though (what a shock) and decided his time was better spent tinkering with the broken down dryer that we stole from Kari and Craig. Thanks guys for the entertainment that it's given to both my boys.


Moab Cozzens said...

Wow, that's a lot of leaves - a cute little boy in them!

Gramma M said...

So, I guess I can take "broken dryer" off BOTH their Christmas lists!! What else would keep them both so enthralled???

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

What a cute redheaded boy in all those green leaves! I bet he loved it.