Friday, April 17, 2009

one month

It really has gone by so quickly. It's really hard to believe that one month ago today I was holding this little guy in my arms for the first time.

Bridger about an hour old.

Bridger is getting so big so quickly. We had his one month appointment this week. He now weighs 10 lbs. 3 oz. and measures 23 inches long. That means he's gained over two pounds since he was born and he's more than 2 inches longer! He's just growing so fast, I don't want to forget a thing about him being this little.

He's the perfect baby.
He fusses when he gets hungry and when he's cold and he only cries out when one of these two irritations lasts too long.
He sleeps in 4-5 hour stretches at night and for pretty long stretches during the day.
He loves to be held and will sit in your arms completely content for hours.
He's a really good eater (as one can tell from his weight gain).
He loves his baths and loves to have his head scrubbed (just like Porter).
He loves to sleep with at least one hand by his face, he doesn't sleep as well if both of his arms are pinned to his sides.
He will take a pacifier, but he doesn't need it very often. In fact I don't think we used it until he was more than two weeks old...he just isn't that fussy.
He has the hiccoughs at least once or twice daily, but they don't seem to bother him.
He smiles a lot when he's asleep (and once when he was awake...lucky Kyle).
He holds his head up really well and very steady for 4-5 minutes at a time.
He's getting chubby cheeks and a little double chin and he pulls it off so well, if only it were cute on everybody.
He has cute little old-man hair, it grows on the sides and in the back, but it's a little thin on the top.
He likes to cuddle.
He's our little sweetie.

Bridger today.


Moab Cozzens said...

He is so adorable!! It's hard missing out on all that growing time.

Amy said...

I can't believe he's already that big! He barely looks like a newborn (how long do you get to call them newborns?) and oh those eyes! It's no wonder you love the kid so much.

Angie said...

He grows hair in all the places that Sophie doesn't. Put them together and we'd have one full head of hair.
He sure is handsome.

Kari said...

So handsome. And batting those big eyes at you, I think he knows it.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

Oh he's an absolute angel! I'm missin him again. I can't believe you guys have been so lucky to get two perfect babies.