Wednesday, August 19, 2009

things best not forgotten

Porter has always been overflowing with personality. He makes me smile and laugh and about a thousand other great things that I want to remember. Over the past several weeks he's been starting to talk more and more and he is starting to make little jokes. I shouldn't say that he's starting to make jokes... he started doing that a long time ago... remember this.
But he's too cute and funny that I don't want to forget all the cute little things that he does on a day to day basis that make me smile... so here it goes.

We always read and sing songs before going to bed. The other night while I was singing a beautiful rendition of "I'm trying to be like Jesus" Porter rolled over and pretended to snore...

Porter loves a photograph that I keep on the entertainment center of me and Kyle. He grabs it all the time and points back and forth to "Mom" and "Da-eee". The other day he grabbed it and put a piece of paper over my face. He quickly slid the piece of paper over Kyle's face and shouted "Boo!"at my picture, then slid the paper back over my face and shouted "Boo" at Kyle. This lead into a rapid game of peekaboo with our faces as he slid the paper back and forth.

There are 2 megaphone looking structures at our park where if you yell into one, you can listen from the other end at opposite sides of the park (know what I'm talking about?) Well, Porter loves them... the other day we caught him yelling "hello" into the exhaust pipe of the 4 runner (don't worry, it wasn't running).

Porter feels that if there is a door that is open, it is his job to close it. And, you have to ask so very nicely to come into a room where he has closed the door. Kyle tried to enter the bathroom today and Porter shouted, "No, no, no, staid no" (When I tell him no, I usually say, "No, no, no. I said no.")

Porter was in nursery (doesn't really like us leaving him there yet), and he grabbed a basket and headed around the room throwing various toys inside. He had gathered quite a collection when he saw something that caught his eye from across the room. He dropped his basket to go get it and another little boy picked up his basket. As Porter returned to drop his prize possession in the basket he realized it was taken. He then chased the other little boy around the nursery yelling "Put tat down! Put tat down!" for a good ten minutes. He had Brother Estes (whose little boy was the one being chased) rolling on the floor.

He took my SD card the other day and we searched all over for it. We figured it was gone and we would find it when we moved.
A couple days later he brought me a piggy bank (he loves to dump out all the coins and put them back in) and my SD card was inside.
The SD card is gone yet again... and therefore I have no picture to post of this sweet boy.
So, in the meantime, just imagine the cutest little red-head you've ever seen.


Amy said...

What a sweetheart!

Love the new picture at the top too. Such a beautiful family. :)

Moab Cozzens said...

Love those grandbabies especially the jokers.

Grandpa C

Moab Cozzens said...

Great idea to write all those funny things down. Luckily Grandma Cozzens wrote down the funny things my kids did or we would have no record of them. That kid is just too funny!!
Gramma C