Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lovely Rita, KitchenAid

I've been missing the beaters that belong to my handmixer for a few months now. I'm pretty sure the beaters got lost in the move. Or moves... one or the other. But one thing is for sure, they are lost.  So, with plans to make some rolls this past Sunday, we headed out to Walmart to buy replacement beaters.

Come to find out, you have to buy a completely new handmixer in order to get new beaters.  So I picked up another handmixer and put it in the cart.  I looked longingly at the KitchenAid mixers as we passed by (as I always do) and it was then that it happened.

Kyle turned to me. And he said in the most dreamiest of voices... something like, "I love you more than anything and nothing would make me happier than give you a KitchenAid." Or maybe it was more along the lines of, "I know you've wanted one of those for a while, and I was planning on getting you one fairly soon, why not now?"  Either way I know that I responded with something really high-pitched and giggly.

We headed to the kitchen outlet that we have in town to pick one out and Kyle asked me on the way what color I wanted. I was just tickled to be getting one... white would be fine if that's all they had.  But, he knows that I've looked at them online enough times that I know what colors I like.  Green apple, or boysenberry, or cornflower blue are all very lovely.  But again, I was getting a mixer, and that's all that mattered... color was low on the list.

We walked into the outlet, and it was love at first sight.

There she was... in all her tangerine glory.
I tried to talk myself into making a more conventional decision by choosing black, white, or silver... or even red because they would go with any kitchen style or color.  But for some reason, the tangerine was calling to me.
And so I took her home, and named her Rita.
And I sing a little of this everytime I use her.
And as it just so happens, she perfectly matches my new favorite cookbook.

Lovely Rita, KitchenAid, nothing can come between us.


Gramma M said...

Just when you think husbands don't understand us at all, they go and pull something like that! Good going, Kyle!! By the way...you make a lovely couple (both you and Kyle AND you and Rita!)

Angie said...
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Angie said...

She's quite purty. Orange was definitely the way to go.
I'm not one for putting lots {or any, really} appliances out on the counter, but that beauty deserves to be displayed.
I have a KitchenAid as well, but it's just a dull, boring off-white. It came from Gramma F, though, so the thought that she maybe made her delicious bread with it a time or two makes up for the fact that it has no fancy coloring.

Jessica said...

Yowzas, that's one beautiful kitchen appliance! (Don't tell my white Kitchen Aid...she'll be jealous).

Moab Cozzens said...

How creative to match your KitchenAid to your cookbook! I love it when people decorate around seemingly insignificant objects :) I think that couple should be displayed for all eternity just the way they are in your pic.

Kari said...

Insignificant object? Perhaps they don't know that the PW Cookbook was a Quarter Century Birthday Gift from you very most favorite Eldest Sister? How much more significant can you get? That's the best reason for a tangerine color scheme if ever I heard one.
She's purty. And, lest my eyes deceive me, she has a flip-top head, which make me completely lime green with envy. But I'll get over it. We should get Rita and Georgia Rae together and see if they really are more saucy than the white ones, eh, Angie?