Monday, May 24, 2010


My Grampa Hubert would eat anything that was burnt.... puts hair on your chest, he said.

I avoid things that are burnt for that very reason.

I'd hate to find out he was right the hard way.


Angie said...

Is that why you don't like to eat burned food? See, for me, it's because I think it tastes gross.
But I suppose I am glad for that extra bonus of no hair on my chest.

Heather Anni said...

Come on girls - I thought "hair on your chest" was a good thing. Oh, wait, I'm not male. I agree with Angie - I just think it tastes disgusting, wheather or not "hair on your chest" is good or bad.

Amy said...

ha ha ha! Oh how I love you stick. You. Are. Amazing.

Gramma M said...

Yup, that was my Dad's claim and I'm assuming it must have been specifically a "chest only" bonus, 'cause we all know it certainly didn't work for his head!!!

Kari said...

Had he simply said, "it grew chest" I would have eaten anything he told me. I didn't see how making up my lack of chest with piles of hair would make anything better. with all those girls in his life, you'd think he'd have come up with a better line.

Moab Cozzens said...

Oh how funny!! My Grandpa Johnson used to say the same thing, just about burnt toast:). Must have been the generation?

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

Huh, maybe that's why....