Wednesday, November 12, 2008

jumbled, rambling thoughts...

This past week has been a difficult one to get through for all of us. Porter came down with a runny nose last Monday, and it slowly decided to infest the rest of his body. And since Porter is so willing to give kisses (sometimes he's very insistent), it didn't take long for it to infect the rest of us. It was a strange head-cold-chest-congestion-upset stomach/don't-step-too-far-from-the-bathroom kind of illness that took its toll on the lot of us. And Porter weathered it far better than the other two wussies who live in this house. But, this week we are finally back on our feet.

With work this past weekend and tests for Kyle at the beginning of this week, there really isn't much to report. But, in the spirit of writing down things that happen in day-to-day's what we've been up to.

*Kyle and I are getting so excited for this next little boy to come...he's kicking like crazy and it's strong enough that Kyle can feel it too.

*I've narrowed the quilt that I plan on making for this little guy down to 9 patterns...that's pretty good for me.

*Porter has learned where his nose is (and will show you when he's good and ready).

*He folds his arms for prayers and anytime that he sits down at the table.

*He loves to spin in circles until he's dizzy... he thinks it's hilarious and he falls over laughing.

*He loves to stomp his feet and also thinks this is so funny that he falls over laughing.

*We watched Kung Fu Panda last night (such a funny show...I highly recommend it!) It was the first time Porter has even shown much interest in the TV (other than the buttons that he pushes). This morning he was playing around flaying his arms and making all sorts of funny noises. All we can figure he was doing was trying to show us his Kung Fu moves. It was hilarious.

*This kid is so fun...he loves to help in any way possible. We went for our weekly shopping trip today and he helped me put all the food on the conveyor belt. He even helped the lady spin the little bag carousel...although he tried to spin them too soon, and she probably didn't want the help... but it's the thought that counts, right?

It's been a good week.

Oh, I still haven't had much time to be using my camera...but it is back in my possession. I love looking at my memory card when it's been so long since I did it. I had no idea what was left on my memory card. It's almost like finding a five dollar bill in your pants pocket that you didn't know was there.

This was my favorite...

I don't care what anybody else says... but I think these two like each other.


Angie said...

We watched Kung Fu Panda last night as well.
I laughed pretty hard when Shifu said "Po, we do not wash our pits in the Pool of Sacred Tears."
If I had had a root beer, it would have shot out my nose.
I'd love to see Porter's Kung Fu moves.

Gramma M said...

Oh, thank you for that photo...I know you've had that camera back for a few days now and I've been waiting!!! And you gave me another cute one...thanks!

Moab Cozzens said...

Sorry you guys have been sick! I'm wish I could see the spinning and stomping - and the laughing and falling over. Just two more weeks!!!!