Sunday, November 16, 2008


This past weekend we headed up to the mountains to gather more wood for the winter. I absolutely love our woodburning stove and it has been running non-stop for the past month. I love how toasty warm it keeps our house, and I tell you what... I plan to always have a woodburning stove in my home. Not only is it great to stand by when you get home on a frosty evening (or morning) and it can warm your little toes, but it's fantastic for the gas bill. Last year we figured it saved us over $100 a month to burn wood rather than use our heater.

So, with all the wonderful things that a wood-burning stove has to offer, we decided we'd better get more wood.

Now, Porter and I weren't a great load of help, but the boys did pretty well all by themselves. That's right, I said boys. John, my friend/co-worker/carpool buddy came to help us out. It was so nice of him to spend his day-off to help us haul wood. We're also very grateful to John's dad who let us use his truck for the day. With two trucks, two chainsaws and two tough boys cutting trees we ended up with close to 2 cords of wood. Just enough to make it through the winter.

Not liking the sounds of the chainsaws and falling trees, and being the curious child he is, Porter had to ask his Daddy lots of questions (that's what this cute face is). But, even with great reassurance from his Daddy and his Mommy, he was still a bit hesitant about the whole situation. So after I had hauled all the wood that me and my pregnant belly could carry, Porter and I camped out in the truck.

It was a great afternoon, a perfect day to haul wood.

Again we thank John and his Dad for all their help. Now, we get to stay warm all winter.


Gramma M said...

That's quite the concerned face, he's got there!! Oh, aren't stoves/fireplaces great...makes things so homey and pleasant!!

Moab Cozzens said...

I thought of you guys when we sang "all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin" yesterday in church. I love little Porter's expressive face. So cute!