Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a Christmas kick-off

This past weekend we had a decorating celebration at our house...it's really beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!

We made a fabulous dinner of Chicken Carbonara, had a couple of pies (Kyle and I hadn't had enough over Thanksgiving...I needed pecan and Kyle was dying for more banana cream) and we watched "Charlie Brown Christmas", "The Grinch" and "A Christmas Story" all night.

Oh yeah, and we decorated... a lot.

Porter was enamoured with the tree. We always get a real tree and I love it... so does Porter.
I love the smell of pine in the house, and our tree smells delightful. I couldn't stop smelling it the night we put it up and Porter started trying to smell it as well. The only difference is that he makes the "mmmm" noise before he sniffs, this kid makes me laugh.
Porter helped out with the night as much as possible.

He helped me make pies earlier in the night...he can stir very well.

He helped Kyle tighten the screws to hold up the tree.
He kept checking each one.
He helped get rocks to put in the bottom of the tree stand to hold our tree up. He then got a little distracted by how cool the rocks were and started putting them on the floor instead of the stand.
So, we distracted him with the ornaments.
Porter loved trying to put the snowmen on the tree. His attempt was more of him just chucking the snowman at the tree, but it's the thought that counts. He couldn't figure out why they wouldn't stay on. I had to help him out a little.
He was obsessed with the lights and now has to have them turned on whenever he sees that they're off. He walks towards them with his hand up saying "hot, hot, hot" over and over again.
Then he tried to kiss the tree. I've tried to reinforce why this is a bad idea...with the sharp needles I think he's catching on to that one.

It was a very fun night... a tradition we'll have to continue.
(Yeah, so I think I bumped the camera while I was headed over to sit with the boys...possibly why we don't have the tops to our heads.)
Pregnancy update:
Why did I think that I had a belly at 16 weeks? That's no belly when compared to this one...

It feels like there's a basketball under there.
25 weeks and counting. Everything is going really well.


Angie said...

Yeah, you are definitely looking the part of a pregnant woman now. More "there's a baby in my tummy" and less "I ate too much pie at Thanksgiving."
Sadly, my only excuse is that I really did eat too much pie. No baby to blame.
Sounds like a very fun Christmas evening you all had.

Gramma M said...

Oh my...cute, cute pictures! Keep 'em coming!

Jessica said...

Oh, I'm so jealous of your real tree! We have an agreement that we'll go cheap and do the fake tree until we have kids, so I get my real one next year! And your baby bump is adorable! I'm getting to the point that it looks like I ate too much Thanksgiving dinner, but I don't look pregnant, so I'm having belly envy.

Moab Cozzens said...

Darling pictures getting ready for Christmas. Isn't it fun with a little guy who shows interest in the whole process - love the fixing of the Christmas tree stand on his belly! Too cute.