Friday, June 19, 2009

2:15 am

I realize that I have a very different schedule than most people. This realization came to me a long time ago, but has really hit home the past couple of days.

I work nights. Normally my shifts run from 6 pm to 6 am. 12 hour shifts, 3 times a week. I like working nights. In fact I would rather work the night shift than the day shift. It seems that the night shift attracts a certain kind of person, and I like those people... a lot. I love who I work with and I wouldn't trade to work days (not just because of the people, but it works well with Kyle and me being able to trade off the kids when Kyle's in school).
And, I'm a night owl. So, it all kind of works well. When I have several days off in a row, I'm easily able to transition myself back into a be-awake-
all-day-sleep-at-night kind of girl.

Currently, however, my schedule is arranged just so, that once every week I don't have enough time to adjust back to a day schedule because I work the next day. Today was one of those days. I came home, tried desperately to stay awake and play with my boys, but by ten o'clock I gave in. I fell asleep and Kyle being the
wonderful man that he is, let me sleep until five when I woke myself up.

Falling asleep and staying asleep all day leads to this.

Me wide awake, at 2:15 in the morning.

What does one do at 2:15 in the morning if she isn't at work "saving lives"? (as Kari always puts it... she always makes my job sound so exciting

*I hold my baby. I can't tell you how much I enjoy holdi
ng Briggs. He's getting too big too quick. But he sleeps so soundly that I don't have to be alone at this hour of the morning... I personally think he snuggles the best at this hour.

*I edit pictures. Tonight's photos of choice? Bridger in his blessing outfit
and Porter playing at the park. See... impressive right?

*I work on a quilt for Briggs. I wanted to have it done before he was born, but I guess that as long as I get it finished before he turns one, it will be completed a year earlier than any other project that I started before this one. So, I'm doing good.

shamelessly eat Mother's Taffy Cookies, for two very good reasons.
A. Mother's went out of business, and Taffy cookies were gone...but Kellog's bought them out and now the precious cookies are back... so in celebration of their return, I should indulge.
B. Calories don't count past 2 am. I promise.

*I make food. Pasta salad has been on the brain for way too long now and I think I need some. I had some on Sunday at the blessing and now I can't get it out of my head... the pot is on the stove, water boiling and ready for noodles as we speak.

*I blog... apparently.

*I watch Gilmore Girls for the umpteenth time... or maybe a little Mary Tyler Moore on I can watch whatever I want... Bridger doesn't complain one little bit.

*I do laundry. Loads of laundry can be washed and dryed and folded at this time of night. And sadly there is no little redhead to tear down the piles, cause he won't be up for at least 5 more hours.

*I sadly remember that the little redhead isn't up and won't be for a while, so I sneak in his room to watch him sleep for a little bit...

In about 2 or 3 more hours, I'll get tired enough to head back to bed for a few hours before waking back up for the day.
It's amazing the things you can get accomplished when the rest of the world is busy sleeping.


Amy said...

If I'm awake enough to see it, I like the good quiet hours of the morning. Love it. I swear you can get more done between 3-5 am than you can all day long otherwise....for a mom I bet that's nice. :)

Also, I admire you for being able to stay motivated! I'd be more on the Gilmore Girls side and less on the laundry/cooking side.

Gramma M said...

Don't know how you do it, girl!! ...and don't want to trade.

Kari said...

I would prefer it if I never had to sleep. No--I shouldn't say that, because I like it. The getting into bed, getting comfy, feeling yourself drift off to the sound of rain outside the window (all this week.)
So, I would prefer it to be something I didn't need eight hours of. Give me three hours of the good stuff and then let me up and run again. I need at least as much time to get stuff done when the kiddies are down as I want when they are awake. Only needing a few hours--that would be perfect.

Angie said...

Love the pictures.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

It's a weird feeling, isn't it, knowing that while you're up, everyone else is sleeping and when you sleep all the other people are up--playing and doing things. I wouldn't trade nights for days either though. I love the night people too. Like you say, there's just something about those people who "choose" to work nights. It makes them a little more fun.

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

I am right there with ya on the night shift. I don't myself working days. Play all day and work all night is my kind of job. I also get a lot accomplished when the kids are fast asleep, it's just so much easier.