Monday, July 22, 2013

Ford's birth day

Almost two weeks ago this little guy decided to make his appearance. He was a lucky little guy, the cord was wrapped around his neck three times and then around his body as well. He was all tangled up when he came out, but he started crying immediately. 

7 lbs. 1 oz. makes him the smallest of my babies. Neither one of my boys was able to fit into newborn clothes longer than a week... this little guy is a little small for newborn clothes, so we're having fun playing dress up.

I'm amazed by how big my kids look when they are holding a new baby. I remember thinking that Porter had gotten enormous, overnight when we had Bridger. Now they are both just ridiculously large in comparison to Ford.
I am so grateful for Kyle. He is truly an amazing husband and father and he has taken such good care of me and the boys throughout this entire pregnancy.
I'm grateful for my mom who waited up all night to see this little guy arrive at 4 am.  And grateful for the help she has given me this past week with having a new baby in the house. And to my dad for letting me borrow his wife all week. And to both of them for watching the boys while Kyle and I were at the hospital.
I'm so grateful to all my friends (ie. coworkers, nurses, Dr., techs, respiratory) who were all there to make sure that Ford had a safe arrival.
I'm so grateful for my mother-in-law for taking Porter and Bridger for a whole week while I re-learned what it means to have a newborn in the house and to have some precious time alone with Ford.
Thank you to everyone.
This little boy and our family can feel the love.

1 comment:

Moab Cozzens said...

:) :) :) So glad he's here and part of such a cute and fun family.