Friday, December 5, 2008


It's been several, SEVERAL months since Porter said his first word..."hi". He still says it, and several other words have slowly joined in the mix. Porter will say Dadda and Daddy, hot, wow, there and a few random others. But, those words pretty much make up this kids vocabulary. We've been working on Momma or Mommy for months and a few months ago one slipped out...haven't heard it again. It wasn't used in the context it should have been and I'm sure that it was a mistake because he never uttered the word again.

Yesterday we were sitting around going through Porter's body parts; he knows where his nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hands and tummy are. He also knows where his baby brother is (I don't think he knows WHAT a baby brother is, but he knows where he resides)... don't know how he picked up on that one, but one day I asked him where his baby brother was and he came over, lifted up my shirt and pointed to my tummy. If you ask him to show you his baby brother and he isn't close enough to me, he'll lift up his own shirt to show you where his baby brother is... it's darling.

Anyway, going through his body parts I stopped him and asked where his Daddy was to which he immediately ran to the kitchen pointing to Kyle. Kyle, in turn, looked at him and said, "Good job, now, where's you're Mommy?" Porter proceeded to lift up his shirt and say, "There!" repeatedly.
"No, no...that's your tummy, where's you're mommy." Porter lifted his shirt up again to show his tummy. We died laughing...such a funny little kid.

So, we worked on it. We changed it up a bit asking him where his Mom or Momma was, (hoping that Mommy and tummy just sounded too alike) but without fail, I always got a flash of a cute little belly as his response.
We started asking him to say Momma or Mommy and all we got his sweet little, "huh?" everytime. It was a lost cause. If there's one thing I've learned with this kid, it's that he can't be rushed...when he decides he's good and ready for something, he'll do it, but not a moment before.

This morning when Porter woke up, Kyle went in to get him and he came and laid Porter next to me. Porter nuzzled his cute little face right up next to mine and said, "Momma?"
He hasn't stopped saying it all day's my new favorite word.


Kari said...

Yup, "momma" is a good one. It's one of the first (and I'd even wager, better) paydays that you get as a mother.

Yeah for you!

Moab Cozzens said...

Yea! The word every Momma waits to hear.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

Momma is definitely my very favorite word, and will be, I'm sure for a long time to come.
Congratulations to Porter, he's on his way to be a little jabber box.