Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We've been all over lately. Traveled to visit Gramma and Grampa C. then took a quick trip up north to visit Gramma and Grampa M. After so much travel and a little bit of picture taking, we're back home... where we plan to stay for at least a little while.

We had lots of fun in Moab. Kyle was able to finally get back on a dirt-bike (after a much too long hiatus) and took off on a day long ride with his dad and his brothers/brother-in-law.

The women stayed home with the kids and we headed down to the rotary park. I love this park... I really wish we had one right down the street from our home.
The park has a little creek that runs right by the side of it, and that's where Aiden high-tailed it when it came into view. Aiden loves to play poohsticks (as do I) and ran straight for the bridge.(Aiden cannot be seen in this picture as he has already thrown his stick in and is watching for it on the other side)
It didn't take long however for the little boys to get interested in the water running underneath the bridge. And, since Porter is related to my mother (a woman who can't pass by a creek without soaking her feet in it) he trudged on in to the cool rushing water.
He didn't want to get out. The water was pretty cold and he kept falling in when he would lose his balance, but he didn't care.
This kid is at home in the water.

Porter also had a lot of fun playing with Drew. Drew is one of Porter's favorite uncles. Porter will drag Drew around and the nicest part is ... Drew follows. It doesn't matter if it's the 9 hundredth time that Porter has dragged him upstairs to see the turtle, or out back to see the bunnies, Drew follows. He's a good uncle.Drew got sick this trip though, and since Porter loves Drew and follows him everywhere, Porter got sick too. Porter started running a fever and got really clingy the day we headed home from Moab. And in the car on the way home, his tummy decided that it had had enough.
Strapped in his car seat he let it go. I have never had to deal with this problem, and sadly, I don't think there is good way to take care of this situation. For anyone who has a child throwing up in the back of the car at 11 o'clock at night on a windy mountain road, I can only imagine that the scene plays out in the same way.

Child vomits while strapped in car seat and cannot move, causing child to cry. Child must sit in vomit while car gets stopped and meanwhile momma starts crying.
Child gets removed from the backseat, pulling momma into a slimy bear-hug.
Child is sat on the back bumper of the SUV while stripped down to his skivvies. Momma cleans child off with the only resource she has... cold wet wipes. The wind is blowing, making the naked wet child very cold.
Naked child cries more. Momma cries more.
Momma dresses naked child and hands him to Daddy.
Momma now strips down to her skivvies. (If lucky, momma has clothes to change into as well... as happened in my story).
Ride resumes with two sniffling passengers and a lingering smell in the cab. It's a very sad situation.
A similar incident occured a few days later, but during the day when it was not so cold and not so much vomit and momma got away without a touch of vomit on her clothes (well, maybe just a touch... she wouldn't really be a momma without a little bit).
But, it only took Porter a couple of days before he was back to's hard to keep that kid down for long.

On the lighter side of things, we got smiles out of Bridger that weekend! Not just sleepy little smiles, but big wide awake smiles! It doesn't get much better than seeing a cute little guy like this smile. And the fact that he smiles at me makes me smile back.
It was a good weekend in Moab, the ride home was a little bumpy, but Moab was good.
Thanks for taking us in Gramma and Grampa!


Jessica said...

Sad story! Poor Porter. Poor Mom!

Cute pictures, as always. You have such handsome, smiley little boys!

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

That was a fun weekend. Sorry about the puke on the way home, I know that situation all too well! Thank goodness Aiden is over his carsickness (as long as there is a DVD playing) because that is miserable!

Moab Cozzens said...

What a fun weekend we had! Sorry it had to end so bad. :( But look at the bright side - Porter didn't miss his AP Calculus exam because he was sick, so things could have been worse. . . only probably not much . . .

Amy said...

That's enough to make ME cry.... so sad!

But, I'm glad you got to go and have a good time, pooh sticks and all. :)