Thursday, May 14, 2009

today's random goodness

It started with 8 hours of blissful sleep. For that I must thank my sweet boys and their willingness to join me in a lovely 8 hours of sleep. I must also thank my sister-in-law Jill for sharing with us the magic routine that got Porter, and now Bridger, to sleep peacefully through the night at such a young age.
I don't know how I can ever repay you Jill. Let me know.
Then we went to Bridger's 2 month Dr.'s appointment... he's getting big.
He's now 12 lbs. 14 oz. and 23.5 inches long. He's now in the 80th percentile for his weight and the 76th percentile for his length, and the boy is solid.
He's getting too big too fast. He's already out of all newborn clothes, 0-3 month onesies and has outgrown a few of the 3 month jammies as well. He's happy and healthy and doing well. I already miss him being tiny.
When we got home from the Dr. I found this waiting for me...It's my Mother's Day gift that was delivered a little late. She's my MP3 player. Isn't she pretty? I love that she's red and tiny and that I can run with her clipped to my hip. Kyle did a good job, didn't he?
Next I made this... for dinner.It's delicious in case you were wondering. I had never tried Rhubarb pie before, but where we found loads of it growing right in our backyard I had to do something with it! I just feel bad that we only got enough for one. And don't judge me for having it for dinner. Porter got regular food. It's only Kyle and me that are the pigs. Plus, I'm starting to exercise and I'll work it off later...
Now, Kyle and I are staying up while I read Fablehaven to him.
Just a few more minutes before we put Briggs to bed and we can look forward to another full night of sleep.
It's been a good day.


Amy said...

Any day involving pie for dinner is good in my book. :)

Kari said...

Oooo . . . I love Briggs.

Moab Cozzens said...

So . . . you didn't say how the pie tasted. Good I'm assuming since you and Kyle ate the whole thing!

Chelle said...

It was delicious...and Kyle and I didn't finish it off, there's still half a pie left!

Kali said...

8 hours of sleep! Wow. Can you share this magic routine, or is a family secret?

That pie looks delicious.

Chelle said...

I can share the beautiful routine with anyone who needs it! It works wonders and within 2 sleeps 8 hours and mom sleeps for 8 hours. Is a beautiful thing.
Let me know if you need it!