Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Three

We headed out early for some shopping and to look around the town. It was beautiful. We shopped for several hours during which I became a master at haggling. But haggling gets old, and I got really tired of it, really quick. 
So then we headed to the water.
To play with these guys.
This is Jack and Simba, and we had the amazing experience of swimming around with them. 
(Lots of photos, I'll let them do most of the talking)
This is Angie doing a foot push with the dolphins, both dolphins get behind you and push you up out of the water by your feet. It was an amazing feeling. The dolphins got a little more excited with Angie and shoved her completely out of the water.
 Then it was my turn.
It was awesome. We were also able to have them pull us along while we held onto their dorsal fins.
Amy is the lady right next to me in these next photos.
I'm not quite sure how much she enjoyed this next part.
We also went snorkeling afterwards, and found some interesting fish along the way.
This is a freaky looking fish. Eyes on the same side of his head and his mouth sideways...
It was a busy day, but we had a blast. We also forgot to eat while we were swimming with dolphins and shopping, but don't worry... we made up for it when we got back on the ship. 
We ended up going to the 24 hour cafe and ordering just about everything on their menu. It was literally plate to plate (like 8-9 plates) on our table. And we finished every last bite. The waitress told us that they had bets going on as to whether we would finish it or not. She said that everyone lost.
Everyone but us... it was really good food.
When we got back to our room we had a visitor that our amazing stateroom attendant Marcello left for us.
And I'm happy to say that our pig/chicken friend stayed for the remainder of our trip.
Day three was fun.


Amy said...

So amazing!!!

Gramma M said...

I was a little jealous at first but with every picture, I'm becoming even more so...!!! Dolphins, snorkeling, 24-hour food...oh my!

Kari said...

I'm glad you got more food--I was starting to get worried that you starved on Day Three. Whew--thank goodness for 24-hour cafes.
Looks like you took relaxing to a whole new level. Such fun.

Moab Cozzens said...

Cute swimming suit! But I think you should have at least tried out the Islamic ones :)

Jessica said...

Total and complete vacation envy!