Monday, July 28, 2008

I love rollercoasters. Absolutely love them! I could ride rollercoasters all day, all night and anything in between. I have gone on family vacations where I did nothing but ride rollercoasters all day and all night and I have to tell you, they were some of the funnest vacations I remember. I love the feeling of the adrenaline rush as you go flying, twisting, rolling and spinning through the air. However, I found out last night how I don't like the whole flying, twisting, rolling and spinning.... it's when I'm in my car.

I was headed to work in a downpour. Huge drops of rain coming down so fast and so hard that the freeway was covered. I could totally see clear skies a couple of miles down the road and I was very excited that I wouldn't be driving in that horrid weather for too long.
Then the back end of my car started to hydroplane and it started whipping around. I let off my gas just a little and tried to turn the steering wheel the same direction as the back of my car was headed trying to correct myself. I've hydroplaned before and I was able to correct it before and I was hopeful that I would be able to do it again. I was wrong.

Very quickly my whole car started spinning and I was headed off the side of the road. I was headed south bound to work and when I hit the bushes at the side of the road I was facing north. I rolled, once maybe twice and landed facing south again. Judging by the look of the car I may have actually rolled once and spun on the passenger side landing right-side up after a while. (You know, it's hard to tell what's really going on in your vehicle when it slams into bushes and flies through the air at 70 mph.)

There were no other drivers around, so I didn't involve another vehicle. I didn't hit any of the metal poles at the side of the road. I only hit bushes and dirt. I was really, REALLY lucky. I actually had enough time to realize that I was going to roll that I was able to brace myself with my hands on the steering wheel. I walked away with a seatbelt mark across my left shoulder (which is already starting to fade away). Had I not have been wearing my seatbelt I may not have remained in the car. None of my stuff did, so I see no reason why I would have been spared. Even worse, I may have only come out of the car part-way.
No one was even around who saw the accident. But, two very nice men stopped when they saw my lights on and the car totalled, one was named Winston. Thank you for stopping, Winston. He helped find my shoes and all my other belongings that were thrown from the car. He called the police and an ambulance (which I refused to take, there was no reason to go in for a seatbelt burn) and he waited until Kyle and a UHP officer showed up. Nice guys and I wish I could thank them more for what they did.
All I can really say about it is that I'm supposed to be here. In one piece, mind you. Someone was watching out for me. I've seen people that have much more severe, debilitating injuries for much less of collision. As for me, my neck hurts a bit today, and my shoulder aches where the seatbelt was; but other than that, I'm fine. I don't even have big cuts, I didn't hit my head. I'm completely okay.
Want to see pictures?

Driver's side. I know that when I rolled it was the drivers side that rolled first. Doesn't look like much damage right? Other than the hood is eating some grass, not much damage. This is why Kyle thinks I rolled only once and slid on the passenger side. He also thinks that I flipped up onto that roll-bar rather than actually rolling up to it. Hardly a scratch on my door. Oh, but the side view mirror is missing.Smushed in windshield and yes, that is the roof that crunched in.See how flat that roof looks, and the flattened passenger side. Passenger side from the rear. It was pretty munched in and it ate most of the dirt.Driver's side from the rear on top. See how I rolled right onto the roll-bar.Rear view. Back windshield completely blown and see how the top looks all smooshed to the passenger side. Weird huh?And here's the part that I think is cool. See how the roof cave on the inside. Can you see how there is a nice little spot that was left uncaved for Chelle's head? Isn't that kind of cool?

Someone was watching me. I have no doubt about that. I came home last night and kissed Kyle and Porter to little bits. I have something to add to my list of what I did this year. I just wish I didn't have to go to the extremes to get something added to that list.


Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

I'm so glad the car thought to leave a space for your head! We are very blessed to have you stick around with us. Good luck finding a suitable car. We love you.

Amy said...

Dude! Cedar City seems to have it out for you - you've had more drama in the past 9 months (trips to the ER, injuries, alergies, accidents) than I think I've had in my entire life! Fortunately you clearly belong here. Thank goodness!

Kimbrey-Daniel said...

Oh Michelle- I don't know what to say except we are so glad that you are o.k. That must have been so scary!

Angie said...

I thought that we were having a rough day on Sunday, but you win!
So glad that you are still here. Love you!

Rory, Trina, Katy, and Trey said...

I'm glad you are ok. It's scarey to be in an accident on the freeway. Rory and I were each invovled in a seperate accident before we were married. There really is no reason why we weren't seriously hurt. It makes you wonder what important thing you were saved for.

Whitehead Family Fun said...

Glad you are okay. Cool pictures though (of course only because you are alright.)

Emily said...

Wow. Well, we are very gald you are safe and sound. What a story!

The Johnsons said...

That is so scary! I'm glad your okay.