Monday, October 21, 2013

this kid...

 This little boy is just chock-full of personality. And he's got the energy to match it!
Bridger is a character and you are never sure of what's going to come out of him!

Porter started pinching his nose to speak the other day. Bridger looked at him and very boldy said, "I don't speak Nose, Porter"

Bridger calling to Kyle from his room
Bridger: "Dad!! Porter isn't saying his prayers!"
Kyle: "Bridger, are you Porter's dad?"
B: "No!"
K:"Then stop worrying about what he's doing."
B: "You have to say mom and teacher too!"(Meaning Kyle should have asked him if he was Porter's mom or teacher too)

"Yeah Mom, I have Grandmas and Grandpas and cousins and Uncles and Uncs."

B:"My teacher told me about Francis Scott Key. He was trapped on a ship and he saw the flag and he wrote the Star Spangled Banner."
Me: "That's awesome Bridger, so you learned all about Francis Scott Key today?"
B: "NO, Mom! I learned about pumpkins!"

Me: "Bridger, what's on your thumb?" (He had a nice little blood blister on it that I hadn't seen)
B: "Remember the black thing that has a yellow thing that holds a black thing with bumps on it that's yellow and has a black side and it has yellow on it? Do you remember that?"
Me: "No, I don't."
B: "That's what it's from mom."


Moab Cozzens said...

Ah such a cutie! I love this age. I always wanted to freeze one of my kids somewhere between 3 and 5 - they say the cutest things!!

Whitehead Family Fun said...

I love when they try to explain things and you have no idea what they are talking about :) Your boys are adorable!