Friday, January 11, 2008

Apparently I was taught wrong.

When I was in school, I remember being taught about my colors and I'm pretty sure that I got an A in that course. Check me on this... blue + yellow = green, red + blue = purple; red, blue and yellow are primary colors and you can't make them from mixing any two other colors. I'm right, right? Am I great at my colors or what?
Unfortunately, my kindergarten teacher must have failed me. I have discovered that red can be made from two colors, and those colors are carrot orange and warm brown. I discovered it, and do you want to know how? That's right. This is my wall. It's red. The paint sample that I picked out was much more brown than this, but apparently when brown mixes with carrot orange it produces this.
I think I like it. Kyle was sweet enough to paint it one night while I was at work. I think it's great!Changing cute is this kid? This is the new kissy face that Porter has been making. He keeps pursing his lips and I love it.

1 comment:

Gramma M said...

I really like your wall!! Nice warm, soothing color. You've certainly eliminated that "Home Depot" ambiance--hopefully that's what you were headed for!!