Monday, January 14, 2008

An Ode to Mothers

To all mothers who did not have the luxury of disposable diapers, I salute you. This very day, I had an experience which truly made me feel for those of you who suffered through those difficult times. I know that I have no idea how truly terrible the experience of cloth diapers truly is, but this experience makes me not want to take the disposable ones for granted.
I picked Porter up from the floor and sat him on my lap when I felt my leg immediately get wet. I picked him up and noticed a brown spot starting to seep from his pajamas. I quickly rushed him to his room and started to strip him down. The poop started where his diaper ended and ran all down his leg. As I got to his little footie I realized that there was a heap of poop at the bottom of his pant leg. I don't know how he shot it right to the bottom of his leg, but there it was. His foot was buried in about 2 inches deep in thick poop. (He was wearing the footie pajamas, so it contained the poop quite nicely). After hosing Porter down and getting him dressed again, I had the experience of scrubbing the thick poop out of the adorable pajamas. An experience I don't look forward to doing again.
So here's to all you mothers who have had this experience more than once.
And thank you disposable diaper creator, thank you.

1 comment:

Moab Cozzens said...

When I read your last post and saw the pictures of Kyle chopping down that great big, what looks to be a cedar tree, which would have been a BEAST to chop down, I thought, you guys would have made great pioneers. You would have survived and flourished out on the plains in your little log cabin working your farm fighting Indians and the ranchers who wanted to take over your land. But, no, those pesky cloth diapers would have done you in :)