Friday, January 9, 2009

24 in 2008

Okay, here it goes. My list of 24 things I did in 2008. By the way I have to mention that I am very proud of Angie for coming up with her list of 28...way to go babe.

1. Hiked to 13 new arches this year, with pictures to prove it.
2. Nailed a new job in the ER. This is probably one of my most happy things that happened this year. I may complain now and then about dumb patients or some of the requirements of my job, but the bottom line...I love it. I love working where I work and who I work with. I love it.
3. I became a redhead for the first time ever.
4. Quickly went back to being a blonde.
5. Chopped all of my hair off. The hair I had been growing for nearly 3 years went "bye-bye" and was replaced by a pixie-cut that I adore. I think I'll have Raylene do it again to me in a couple of weeks.
6. Lost all of my pregnancy weight + 12lbs.
7. Got pregnant for the second time with another little boy!
8. Watched as my first son turned a year old and has learned to walk and talk.
9. Tried sushi for the first time...and probably my last.
10. Gave my first haircut to Porter...probably a first and last as well.
11. Was in my first car accident/ more thing I hope not to repeat.
12. I only read 7 books this past year...that number should be increased this year.
13. I went to the ER for the first time as a mom instead of as a nurse or a patient. Didn't care for it much.
14. Almost died on a hike to The Subway. I do plan on trying this one again but with a few things changed; different time of year, no kid, not being pregnant.
15. Bought a pretty red Toyota 4 runner to replace the Honda that I smushed.
16. Played paintball for the first time and fell in love with it. Thanks honey.
17. Went on a ride over the Poison Spider with Kyle and his parents. Didn't cry once, but did have to climb out and hike a little.
18. Hit my first golf ball. It wasn't that thrilling.
19. Researched a gluten free diet, fully prepared to start a new life gluten-free when we thought that was what Porter was allergic to. And I jumped for joy (and ate a tray of brownies) when we found out that it wasn't necessary.
20. Discovered that the best ribs on the planet exist at Texas Roadhouse. My favorite new place to dine.
21. Hiked to Kanarra falls twice...looking forward to going again.
22. Succeeded in making all of my Christmas ornaments/decorations/presents. Normally at least one of those would have been dropped and forgotten, but not this year!
23. Discovered that Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist really is seasonal and that it makes it's return to store shelves after Halloween.
24. I was called "momma" for the first time ever by my sweet little redhead. Love that word. And that kid.

And that, in a nutshell, was my past year. It was a year full of good things and some not-so-good things, but I loved it. This year will be just as great (hopefully with a little less of the daredevil-stunt driving).


Kari said...

Aren't you cute. And I felt very special because I knew almost all of those things.
And if you liked Cranberry Sierra Mist, you should try Pomegranate 7-Up--but hurry, it's almost gone. (Mix it with Raspberry Lemonade Crystal Lite and you'll think you've died and gone to heaven.)

Amy said...

What a fantastic and VERY eventful year! Good call on the tray of brownies. :)