Sunday, April 19, 2009

I might be a little tired...

But this kid cracks me up. Porter loves spaghettios and any kind of fruit for his lunch and dinner, he doesn't like to eat much else these days. So yesterday we decided to pick up a couple of different things that he has tried before but we want to try again (you never know, right?). So we got some hot dogs and chicken nuggets...he hasn't had either one in quite a while.

This is our actual conversation this afternoon while I was getting his lunch ready. I really didn't see it coming...maybe that's why I ended up lying on the floor laughing til I almost wet my pants.

Porter: Eat.

Me: You want to eat? What do you want?

Porter: Bite.

Me: Do you want a hot dog?

Porter: Whoof, Whoof.

Me: No, no. Porter, do you want to eat a hot dog? (showing him hot dog buns)

Porter: Whoof, whoof.

Me: Okay, do you want chicken nuggets?

Porter: BAWK, BAWK.

He's learned his animal sounds well... if I could only get him to eat.


Amy said...

:) Maybe we just figured out WHY he didn't want to eat those things?....they don't sound that good to me anymore either (they did at the beginning of the post...)

Moab Cozzens said...

No, you're not just tired. That was seriously funny!

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

That kid cracks me up. He's just so darned cute, I could actually picture his face doing those noises as I read the story. Cute cute.

Gramma M said...

Maybe you just need to refer to EVERYTHING edible as "food"...funny boy!