Thursday, April 16, 2009

Porter seems to be adjusting...

Being a big brother hasn't been that difficult an adjustment for Porter. He has been adjusting really well. Although, unless Bridger is making noise (which he doesn't do that often) I don't know that Porter even realizes he's around!
But, when he does take notice of our little one, Porter gets very excited and tries to be very helpful.

He loves to point out all of Bridger's body parts.
Porter's favorite...eyes.
Our least favorite...eyes.

Porter loves to hold Bridger, even if it's only for 10 seconds (which it usually is, cause that's as long as Porter's attention span lasts)

Porter loves to give Bridger things...stuffed animals... pacifiers... spatulas... books... toys... cans of soup... you know, the basic needs of a 4 week old.

Porter tries to be quiet when Bridger is sleeping by saying "SSSHHHH" as loud as he can. (thought that counts, right?)

Porter takes all of Bridger's diapers to the trash...Mommy loves this one.

Porter loves to help give Bridger his baths, he gets to clean Bridger's foot.

Porter loves to give Bridger hugs and kisses and demands to give Bridger a kiss every night before he goes to bed.

He loves to push Bridger in the swing while shouting, "Wee Wee Wee" at the top of his lungs.
The only line that Porter has drawn is in regards to his blankets. Porter's blankets are Porter's blankets and there will be no sharing. He will gladly bring Bridger one of Bridger's blankets, but Porter's are off-limits to anyone but himself.

Not too bad for a 20 month old trying to learn to share everything with a newborn baby... I have to hand it to him, I think Porter does a great job as a big brother.


Jessica said...

What a wonderful big brother! And I LOVE your new family picture at the top!

Amy said...

Amen to Jessica - that is a fabulous picture! I love your face, and your hair, and your husband and your beautiful beautiful babies. :D

Karen said...

Wow! What a grown up 20 month old. I just hope my 3 year old does as well with a little sister. Though he did tell me he'd help feed her and bring me diapers for her. I'll have to try the whole "here take this to the garbage" thing. Sounds fantastic.

Moab Cozzens said...

Hugs and kisses to both cute boys. We miss them!

Dalen and Tiffany said...

They are both so cute. Is Bridgers hair dark.

Kari said...

Good for Porter! Let's just hope he can keep it up through the next dozen or so siblings he's got coming.