Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day One

Our first day at sea. Our first and very relaxing day at sea.
 Morning sunbathing was a little colder than we had expected. A little too much wind and not enough sun. So it included towels and jackets and not so much the sunscreen that Angie has sitting on her lap. 

But the afternoon made up for it.
It was nice and warm and our first day mainly consisted of  lounging on the deck, looking at the pretty ocean and eating lots of good food.
The remains of our pile of nachos. Nachos were a must on most days. 

As was pizza. 

And Mongolian BBQ. 

And at least 5 desserts to trail each of our 4-5 meals daily meals. You know, first and second breakfast, lunch, dinner and second dinner.

I told you we ate a lot.

You would be surprised at how much the two of us can put away.

And that, in a nutshell, was day one.


Amy said...

SO so jealous! Looks lovely.

Gramma M said...

A chocolate-dipped, desseret-filled, nutshell?

Kari said...

Eating. Sunbathing. Looks like you're off to a good start. (Tell me the eating continues.)