Sunday, November 4, 2007

No, it's not a green teddy bear...

It's Porter the Frog! He is the cutest darn frog I have ever seen. Porter didn't seem to like his costume very much because it covered his hands (so he couldn't suck on them), but I think he still looked adorable! I have never liked Halloween, but I finally found the fun part of it! Dressing up Porter was fun! (for me, not for him).
Porter hated his costume.
He did seem fascinated by the flippers though. Isn't he adorable? These are my nieces and nephews on Halloween (all except Aiden). This is Riley as a ninja. Wesley was Scooby-doo.Sophie the sweet pony. And Captain Jack the Pirate!
This is the new addition to the Gordon family...his name is Toby. We were very grateful to stay with Jill, Kenny and Aiden this past weekend while we looked for housing and interviewed for a job. I'm pretty sure I got the job, and we may have found a home, so it was a successful trip!

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