Wednesday, March 12, 2008

23 Things in 2007

This has been a tough list to compile. I am just shocked and amazed at how few things I did last year! However, I do believe that my pregnancy and giving birth to Porter should count as 10 things each, so really I would have more than 23 things.

This has inspired me even more to get off my butt and do some things this year so I can have more than 24 on my list next year!

So, here it goes in not too particular an order!

#1. Gave birth to Porter

#2. Blessed Porter

#3. Gained 50 lbs.

#4. Lost 50 lbs. (and 12 more to date!)

#5. Bought and learned the basics of how to use a kick-butt camera

#6. Took photography classes

#7. Finished my first afghan

#8. Finished my first quilt

#9. Got a new job in the ER

#10. Took over 5,000 photos of Porter

#12. Started digital scrapbooking

#13. Became an Aunt again and again (and once more, but that will be on 2008)

#14. Went to my 1st water aerobics class (on my due date)

#15. Kyle started school again

#16. Spent our first Christmas with just the three of us

#17. Ran my first code (second, third etc.)

#18. Ran my first trauma (patient limped away with a broken toe... am I good or what?)

#19. Entered the blogging world

#20. Went to the temple to see Aiden be sealed to Jill and Kenny

#21. Became a Mom

#22. Went to Les Miserables

#23. Went to Thoroughly Modern Millie (twice)


Unknown said...

Way to go on the weight loss! I was actually going to mention to you when you were up here a little bit ago that you are looking smokin'!!
Here's to many more excited things to list for 2008!!

Moab Cozzens said...

You forgot survived kidney stones while pregnant. That was a pretty big milestone, it think.

Chelle said...

Yeah, Kyle and I thought of the kidney stones (all though goodness knows I've tried to forget that whole experience), but I actually got the stone removed in 2006. 2006 was a big year and believe me, I tried to sneek many things into the list from that year. But I'm happy to say I didn't cheat!

Gramma M said...

Oh, I'm pretty sure there's more to add to your list, but with my seriously old mind, I can remember the activities, but not when they happened!! (oh, I get confused easily). I'm going to have to give this some thought and see what other marvy things I can remember that you've done...