Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The past week has been a little hectic around here, and some of us haven't been feeling the best (ie. Porter). Porter has another tooth that has popped it's way into his mouth; and the way we have been using Oragel ... we should buy stock. Porter hates the taste of it, but moments after it's on his gums, he feels so much better. I was putting it on him the other day and about 10 minutes afterwards (after wiping my finger on a towel) I licked my finger and my tongue instantly went numb. It's powerful stuff.

Today, Porter is feeling much better. He's started blowing raspberries. I just can't get enough of this kid!

1 comment:

Gramma M said...

I LOVE raspberries...both the fruit and even better as a cute little boy's sound effect!! Love that boy!