Friday, March 7, 2008

Pictures to come...

This past weekend we headed up to visit with Gramma and Grampa M. Sadly, I forgot to pull out my camera very often, so I only have a couple of pictures. And, sadly I don't have access to those pictures at this particular time, so you will all have to wait on the edge of your seats for the pictures to post tomorrow.
But, we had fun (even though I don't have photographic evidence to prove it!).
Kyle got to spend Saturday and Sunday with us, but headed back to home for his classes on Monday. He returned Wednesday night for his Sagerider meeting and we all headed home today.
Porter is getting his two bottom teeth in and hasn't been feeling well. Lucky for us Porter's attitude when he's not feeling well is just as good or better than most children on their best days!
He is also climbing up on anything in site. He loves to pull himself up to stand. And, if you can have a box for him to climb up the side of, he will stay entertained for... well... minutes pulling things out of it and throwing them on the floor. He's just as talkative as ever.
I had fun this weekend getting my hair redone by Raylene. She believes that I should have been born a redhead and decided just to lighten it up a bit. I think I like it red too. I'm sure it will change again in a few months when I get tired of the red, but for now I like it.

We are so glad to have been able to spend time with family this past week. We celebrated Kari, Heather and Phil's birthdays on Sunday and enjoyed a yummy meal of BBQ ribs. I love being able to spend time with family and this weekend was just the ticket.
We also got to meet the newest edition to our clan, our sweet little Ian. (And by little, I mean the tiniest little baby I've ever held!)
Overall it was a great trip and we look forward to visiting again!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Next time you are in town, if you have the time, call and we can have a girls night, or hour, or something. Me, you, Angie, and whoever else. Lorelai and Rory, maybe?