Friday, March 21, 2008

8 Months!

It is amazing to me that just 8 months ago, this darling little guy was born. I can't believe how big he is getting, and it seems like everyday he starts doing something new. So, yet again, here is a little list of what Porter can (but sometimes shouldn't) do. These might not be the greatest pictures in the world, but they get the point across.

* Crawls everywhere... and fast
* Climbs up on things
* Jumps whether in his jumper or not
* Holds his own bottle
* Loves dirt
* Eats solids (including sticks, leaves, rocks and dirt)
* Loves playing peek-a-boo
* Flys through the air with the greatest of ease
* Talks, babbles and chatters constantly
* Blows raspberries and makes sucking noises with his tongue (see previous post)
* Loves his baths
* Hates getting dressed. He would much rather be naked!
* Crawls with his cup in his mouth
* Drools constantly
*Favorite Animal : Duck* Has the cutest tooth (and a half) I've ever seen
* Loves his Daddy
* Loves his Mommy
* Has a smile and giggle that makes his mom's heart skip a beat


Amy said...

I love in the first picture that you can see a hand stretched out, ready to help him balance if necessary. :) He would make anyone's heart skip a beat.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

I can't believe how big he is getting, and he just gets more cute and fun every time I see him. I love the picture of him flying in the air, he looks just a little freaked out!! Cute pictures!

Moab Cozzens said...

We had so much fun with him this weekend in Huntington! Gramma Johnson couldn't stop talking about him when he and Kyle left. Everyone who called, she told them about Porter, how cute he is, what a good baby, how much fun we had playing with him. He sure wormed his way into her heart. He already has a pretty big place in mine.

Gramma M said...

Doesn't sit still for a minute, does he?? There's always something to explore (or taste!). What a sweetie!