Sunday, March 9, 2008

Okay, not pictures...

just picture. singular. not plural. only one. or, I should say 50, but all of the same shot. I can't believe that I didn't take out my camera more. But here is a picture of all of the grandbabies on my side. From left to right is Sophie, Riley holding Baby Ian, Wesley, Jack and Porter. Aren't they darling? Getting 6 kids to hold still and smile at the same time was near to impossible, and either Wesley or Jack were covering their eyes. Ian was losing his pacifier every other shot and Porter was desperately trying to fall off the couch. So this is the best we could do. Those kids are pretty cute.


Moab Cozzens said...

I think the shot is adorable. It captures their personalities far better than a "photo shoot" shot would have. What a cute bunch of Marsing grandkids!

Gramma M said...

So cute...I love it! You're all doin' good work there!!

Karen said...

So fun! You should see the Herrington grandkids' picture that was taken a few months ago. No one would hold still and one cried the whole time. Two weren't feeling well that day either. But hey, isn't that realistic?