Thursday, October 11, 2007

Can you believe it?

Yes, it's true. Porter is a sitter. He can sit. Look at how cute he is as he sits. His arm may be getting a little support by the boppy, but nevertheless he is sitting! No extra help from mom or dad, just sitting all by himself. Last night I was holding his little hands and sitting him on the ground, when I let go of one hand and he stayed balanced! So, I put him in the center of his boppy, to act as a cushion if he were to fall, and I let go. Although he teetered (and nose-dived) a few times he was able to stay sitting long enough for me to grab some snapshots. He did such a good job, and although I didn't stay very far away, I only had to save him a couple of times. What a tough little kid!

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