Friday, June 27, 2008

Ha Ha, Just Kidding!

Did you really think Porter was allergic to wheat? I sure did! I totally had myself and everyone who has come in contact with this little guy for the past 10 days pretty convinced!
Are you surprised at the depth of the conspiracy? I know that I am. It runs deep I tell you. Deep.
So, we went to a specialist today. He told us that it doesn't seem like Porter's really allergic to wheat. If he was it would cause Porter more stomach upset and normally doesn't present itself in the way of hives, welts and his throat closing off. (I had wondered about that, but when they run a blood test, I seem to think that it's pretty set in stone. We'll talk about how that SO isn't true here in a minute.)
So good news/bad news. Good news, not really allergic to wheat (at least not in a way that we have to worry about it too much). Bad news: still don't know what caused the bad reactions.
They want us to see an allergist and have a scratch test done for different foods. The doctor we saw today thinks Porter will outgrow the wheat allergy, and that the test that was performed isn't really all that accurate.
Here's my question, why run a test if it's really not that accurate. They said that the negative results are more conclusive than the positive results. The positive results mean that he may or may not be allergic to that specific allergen. The negative results mean that he most likely isn't allergic to that allergen, but that he may possibly be allergic to it.

So, for those who are confused, let me sum it all up.

He may be allergic to the things that he was tested against that came back saying he was not allergic to them, but most likely he isn't allergic to those. He is allergic to the things that he was tested against that came back positive, unless he's not.
Do you see where I'm a tad-bit confused as to why this test was taken in the first place? Yeah, me too.

Anyway- here's the low-down.
Porter can have wheat. He isn't on any food restrictions other than formula (which is fine cause he drinks milk) until he sees an allergist or he has a reaction to something new that we give him.
It all comes down to being very good news. Confusing news, but good news all the same!


Amy said...

I actually know someone who really is allergic to wheat - and it sucks, SO YAY! Or maybe not yay, depending on if he really is still allergic to wheat and if he does or does not grow out of it.

In the mean time - I wish you nothing but good food and slow, calm, "i hate the traffic on the way to work because there isn't a great song on the radio" trips to the ER instead of...well you know the alternative. :)

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

Oh, thank goodness. Porter must just like to keep his mom and dad hopping huh? Good news! Yay!

Unknown said...


Karen said...

I'm with Ang-what? But as long as you understand(?) GREAT! I hope you all figure things out quick though. Sometimes those things are so frustrating!