Thursday, June 5, 2008

What happened?

A whole week has gone by since my last post. It has been such a crazy/hectic week that I totally forgot!

Well, let's do another catch up for the past week.

Last Thursday morning Porter had another allergic reaction. This time it wasn't as bad. Porter woke up and started playing around. I had worked a night shift, so I corralled Porter into the front room and I tried to nap while he played. He started acting really funny, couldn't hold still and was being a little clingy, so I pulled him up onto my chest at about 8:30 to let him fall asleep. I had when I pulled him up that there was a little bump on his right eye, but I didn't think much about it.
About an hour later he hadn't fallen asleep and he was just tossing and turning on top of me. I sat up to hold him and I noticed his eyelids were swelling. They had looked slightly swollen before that, but sometimes when he wakes up his eyes are puffy. I didn't think anything of it. By 9:45 his eyelids were swollen to the size of ping-pong balls.
I called Kyle at school to get home ASAP and I called the doctor to get him an appointment. While I was waiting to see when I could bring him in, Kyle got home and started changing his diaper. Porter wears long sleeves and long pants to bed, so he was fully covered at the time. That is what was hiding the hives all over his poor body. I had changed his bottom at 9:00 and there was nothing there.
More than half of his body was hives and welts. I couldn't believe it, here we go again. I quickly gave him a dose of Benadryl and off to the Dr.'s office we went. They gave him some steroids and told us to give him yet another week of Benadryl.
Within 2 hours he was back to normal and you wouldn't have ever guessed that he had had a reaction again. The worst part about this experience is that we have no idea what triggered it this time. So, lucky us and lucky Porter, we get to carry an epi-pen with us wherever we go from now on. I think we'll just duct tape it to his back!
I didn't take pictures, he just looked so pitiful. But, he was still acting himself. The doctor commented while he was evaluating Porter that he was so calm for having more hive than little boy present on his body. It looked so itchy and yet Porter sat still for his exam. He smiled, waved and said "hi" to everyone who came within his sight. He is such a darling little boy, I feel so bad about his allergies.
The next day we headed to Moab for a really really quick trip! We hit the ground running and hiked to Corona and Bowtie Arch after we got there Friday night. (Corona Arch)

About 1/8 of the way back, I rolled my ankle. I heard and felt a loud "POP" and collapsed. I then had to opportunity to hobble the rest of the way out with the help of Kyle, Carri and Dave.
Since I ruined the rest of the weekend for hiking, we decided to take a ride out on Poison Spider and out to Little Arch. It was a beautiful view of Moab from the top of Poison Spider. It was a fun drive and I only had to walk when I was too terrified to ride! There were some places that got pretty steep! I stayed in the car for this part, but I wished I had stepped out to get a shot too.
(Thanks for the shot Carri!)
(Dave and Carri over Little Arch)
It was a great weekend, really fast and we both wished we could have stayed longer, but work was calling me home on Sunday.

My ankle is quite a bit better. It was a bad sprain and although the tendon on the side of my ankle still hurts, I can now walk without looking like a gimp!

It's a week later and it's just flown by, I don't know what happened with all of the time I thought I was going to have on my hands this week.


Moab Cozzens said...

That is a great picture of the back side of Corona Arch, a different perspective that I didn't even bother to walk over and see. Let's see, that's how many arches you have knocked off your list now?

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

I know, we should all move to Moab and be neighbors, then we can go on fun little adventures TOGETHER sometimes! Poor little Porter, it's a good thing he's such a great kid, it sounds like those allergies are going to be rough for a while!