Monday, June 30, 2008

Porter's goggles.

Porter loves Kyle's Chem lab goggles.
Great fashion statement, don't you think?


Kari said...

Jack has a thing for goggles, too, and I figure it's best that they get some of those phases over and done with before they stop being cute. (I'm thinking those sixteen-year-olds that would come into math class thinking something like this was cool. And they were wrong.)

Porter is very cute--looks like it's time to get him his own pair.

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

He looks like a little scuba diver! How cute! He definitely can pull off that look, one that few can.

Moab Cozzens said...

He looks like a chemical engineer in training . . . or Adam Ant. Cute either way.

Kimbrey said...

cute! I wonder if Chase would like mine..... they could match (although tell Kyle that mine are much cooler and much less nerdy!!)