Thursday, June 19, 2008

Okay, Kari I don't mean to try and one-up you, or Coldplay for that matter. Believe me, I've had Viva la Vida playing on my computer almost 24/7 since you posted about it.
I say almost 24/7 because the rest of the time, I've been listening to this.
Can I just say how much I adore Rob Thomas. I also must apologize, this is an old song that you probably all knew about. Down here in the sticks we don't keep up on the music as well.

But I think this song is just delightful.

Please enjoy.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Whoa! Talk about stealing someone's thunder! It's the silent treatment for you. (Considering we've talked three times in the last 36 hours, that should be pretty painful for both of us.) Funny girl.

Love Rob Thomas. He has that I-know-exactly-how-to-put-into-words-that- exact-sentiment-that-you-can't-quite-verbalize- but-is -occupying-your-every-moment quality. And he has yellow balloons. And how perfect is the "I Feel Explosive" billboard--well placed and oddly appropriate. Good song. I have heard it, but for some reason it has never made it into my itunes--I'll fix that.
(And I can.)