Sunday, October 12, 2008

A day in the life....

Kari has inspired me to a different way of documenting what happens in our sweet little lives. This inspiration was acquired from Ali Edwards (a big-time scrapbooker) who believes in not only scrapbooking or documenting the big things in life, but also the little things. Daily things. The challenge that she set up was to document for a week the small things that happen, the routine that you follow daily. It has seemed like such a great idea that we decided to take up the challenge and try it. So, today I kept my camera with me all day (all day started at around 11:30 when I woke up because I worked last night). But, for the next week I'm going to try and capture, for myself, what my life is like daily. Things are going to change drastically in the next several months and I want to remember what my day-to-day life is like right now.

*Kyle took my first picture of the day. Well, actually the ultrasonographer took my first picture.
Can't quite tell what you're looking at? That's our little boy. Our second little boy. That's his bum, a couple of hazy little moving legs and some stuff in between. He was all too excited to let us know that he was in fact a boy. Kyle and I are so excited, and I'm sure that if Porter knew what it meant, he would be excited to be having a little brother. I really had no preference whether we would have a boy or girl, but I'm really really excited for another little boy to run around the house!

*I hopped in the shower to get ready for church, and I hear Kyle tell Porter, "No sir, that is not a walking stick, that's a plunger. Put it down." I died laughing. (Porter uses everything as a walking stick, I think he's going to be a hiker.)

*It snowed yesterday, and it stuck...kind of. By the time we got home from church and I had a chance to take a picture, this was all that was left of the snow. We got a couple inches on the ground, but it's mostly gone today. Kyle was almost crying over his now frozen tomato plants. For the past several months, Kyle has had nothing but bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch, with the fresh tomatoes from those dead plants you see hanging there. Kyle doesn't cry...but I know he wanted to.
The chill is still here though, and that's why we've had to start using our wood-burning stove.
Kyle has built up a fairly large stockpile of wood for us this winter, but we think we'll need to head out and get some more this coming weekend.
*Kyle started a fire right after we got home from church today. He took Porter outside with him and I stayed inside making dinner. I heard him come back in the house, so I quickly went and shut the door to keep the cold air out. A minute later I turned back around to find this out my back door.

Porter was still outside trying to bring in his piece of wood and his Mommy had shut him out of the house! I thought Kyle had brought him back in when he brought in the wood! Such a cute little boy, and a big helper already... if only his Mom wouldn't get in the way.

*Porter hasn't been eating very well lately, and so tonight we decided to strip him down and let him have a go at his dinner himself. He did pretty good using the fork to get food to his mouth for the first few bites, but after that it was just fun to stab the noodles and squish them between his fingers. He didn't do much better than he has for the past few weeks, but he certainly had a lot of fun.

After dinner, Porter got his bath, and both he and I went to bed. I got back up a few hours later to post this blog, but I'm headed back to bed as soon as it's finished...which is right now, so until tomorrow...


Gramma M said...

Good idea...I'm excited to see your week!

That picture of Porter is SO cute! He has that "I-work-so-hard-yet-I'm-so-unappreciated" look. What a sweet little guy. And we're really excited about Cozzen #2, too (and for my count, boy #6)!!! Yay!! I figure it's lots easier for my girls to raise the boys than it would have been for me!!

Angie said...

So Weird...I was going to do this, too!!
It was a bad week the week that Ali was doing it, but I was thinking either this week or next. Perhaps I will copy you and go for this week.
Have fun!

Kari said...

Yay for you! And for me? Well, I get no yays, cause I'm a loser. Took the pictures, documented the day, but I haven't made it to the blog yet . . .

Emily said...

Another boy - Wow. Lots of boys in those Marsing genes. I love your documenting idea - I'll have to give it a try soon. And I LOVE your hair what a sassy cute girl you are. Hopefully we'll see you soon!

Moab Cozzens said...

Yes! I love reading the details of your day. And that means a post every day, right? And you should see how excited we are about another grandboy!

The Johnsons said...

Congrats on a baby boy! How exciting for you guys.

Karen said...

Congrats on baby boy #2! We are working hard to get Ethan that baby brother too!

PS Cute hair!

combes said...

I didn't know you were having another boyI am so excited for you guys. coming from a mom of 5 boys and one girl the boys are easier. so congratulations to you all