Monday, October 13, 2008

A second day in the life...

8:30 AM
Porter slept in (can you call it "sleeping in" when he woke up at 1:30 in the morning?). So we got a little bit of a later start this morning. But we started the morning off with music.
Porter learned how to play the pots this morning. His favorite, however, was the saucepan... but we'll get to that a little later.

9:30 AM

We got around to eating breakfast... Porter's consisted of yogurt and mandarin oranges (one of his absolute favorites)

10:00 AM

We start getting a little silly while eating breakfast and Porter breaks out his cute little fishy-face.

I can't believe how far in he can suck those little cheeks!Love the mandarin orange left on his lip. You can always tell when Porter's done eating when he spits out his last bite and scrapes his tongue off with his finger.

Exhibit A.

10:30 AM

Daddy's home! Porter always gets so excited when Kyle comes home from school. After Daddy got home, he and Porter went to take a little nap while I filled out a grocery list...

12:00 PM

Laundry, dishes... you know, the real fun stuff

2:30 PM

Porter wakes up and we play around until Daddy comes home from his afternoon classes. Remember I said that Porter loved the saucepan? After his nap, he carried it everywhere.

I started doing some more dishes and I came out to the couch to find him watching Meet the Robinson's (I have to have something going on to give the house some ambient noise). Porter normally doesn't pay any attention to the TV, but apparently it is much more interesting to watch when you have a saucepan in your lap (I wish I would have caught a shot of him hugging the pan, but he stopped too quickly).

3:10 PM

Daddy's home again and we head to the store.

Why is there a lighthouse at the shopping center? It makes no sense...we're no where near water...

While walking through the store Kyle pointed this out to me! It's back!!! I have a deep love for this stuff. I discovered it a few days after New Year's this year. I bought a 2 liter bottle of it and it turned out to be so wonderful that I headed back to the store the next day for another. We left town for a few days to visit my family and when we tried to pick some up so that we could share the joy, it was no where to be found. When we got home, it was gone. I think I cried a little bit.

"It must be seasonal" was Kyle's response. So I tried regular Sierra Mist, and I discovered something about myself...I think it's dumb to have things be seasonal.

Cadbury mini eggs should be year round as well as the Cadbury Creme Eggs. Eggnog should be available to all those who want to have the yuletide feelings in their hearts throughout the seasons. And Christmas trees, and Christmas music and Santa... they should all be around more than once every 365 days, don't you think? And...Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist should be allowed to spread its cheer to every boy, girl, woman, man, fetus, dog and parakeet that so has the desire. And none of them should have to wait until October to enjoy it.

Just my feelings on the subject.

However, since not everyone shares my feelings on the matter, I'll take another swig of my Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist and clear out space in my storage room for the stock-pile I plan to collect over the following three months while it's available.

5:30 PM

Done with my rant, and home from the store with my stock-pile and stuff to make one of my all-time favorite meals. My Gramma F. would make this every Sunday when we went to her home and it's always been my favorite. She told me that she would make it specially for me when we would come for the weekend.

Brown Sugar Glazed Ham and Dutch Potatoes....yummmm.... I actually went back for thirds because it was so tasty....

7:00 PM

We all gathered around to watch Big Bang Theory and then put Porter to bed.

10:00 PM

I put Singing in the Rain in and started working on my post for the day.

And, very soon it'll be time for me to go to bed. Oh, like right now.


Gramma M said...

Yummy...comfort food!! And yes, that fish-face is a real smile producer!!

Moab Cozzens said...

Yea! You caught the fishy-face. I tried all weekend when we were there to catch that face on camera. That food really looks good! And I just ate lunch

Heather Anni said...

So Cute! Although to me that looks more like a 'crepe' pan instead of a sauce pan! I think he might be trying to tell you something!!