Thursday, October 30, 2008

beaver or rat?

It's kind of hard to tell, so I'll let you all decide.
No matter what he is...he's a darling little rodent, that's for certain.
The little beaverat is a big fan of his Daddy.
He is also a big fan of having his costume taken off...all except for the hood which he likes to keep on.

As soon as I took him out of his costume, he took off running. I barely had time to grab my camera and chase him down.

Knowing that as soon as he was caught he would need to be clothed, he ran laughing to the back door which we had left open for the air-flow. As he rounded the corner to the back door, he turned around to laugh at me and he was off again.

This will definitely be one of the first pictures I show his first girlfriend.


Jessica said...

Oh my gosh, that beaver costume is too cute on him!

Amy said...

I love your child. I've never met him, but I love him.

Moab Cozzens said...

I think we forgot to show you all of those cute but humiliating photos of Kyle. That's a right cute little naked beaver.

Kari said...

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Looks like a bunch.)